The Orthodontic Blog of Ricci Orthodontics

Retainer After Braces

How Long Do I Have to Wear a Retainer After Braces?

Congrats on finishing your journey of braces in Johns Creek! Now that you’ve got the dream smile you always wanted, it’s important to take proactive measures to ensure it stays the same. This is why you’re going to be prescribed a retainer after braces are taken out. Just how important are they and is it […]

Invisalign for Teens

All You Need to Know About Invisalign for Teens in Suwanee

Invisalign is a great orthodontic treatment for people of all ages, but it’s especially beneficial for teens. Invisalign for teens is made from clear plastic, so they blend in with your smile instead of standing out like metal brackets and wires. If you’re looking for Teen Invisalign in Johns Creek or Suwanee, you will want […]

Types of Malocclusions

Types of Malocclusions & How Orthodontic Treatment Can Help

Malocclusions, commonly known as misaligned teeth or a bad bite, are dental conditions that can affect the way you look and feel. If left untreated, various types of malocclusions can cause pain in the jaw and other parts of the face. Fortunately, getting treatment from an orthodontist in Johns Creek or other areas can help […]

benefits of Invisalign

Reap the Benefits of Invisalign®

If your teeth are crowded, spaced too far apart, or you have an overbite or underbite or almost any kind of misalignment, Invisalign may be just the orthodontic treatment you need. Not only can it improve your smile’s position and health, but it can also do so without the necessity for the metal brackets and […]

young girl smiling before and after braces

Before and After Braces

In pictures of before and after braces, individuals can see how this orthodontic treatment works in practice. Braces essentially use a gentle, constant pressure to move teeth into the correct position. Since this pressure is extremely gentle, it takes time for the braces to complete their work. How Braces Work Braces are a dental device […]


Benefits of Invisalign®

Malocclusion is defined as crooked teeth or a misaligned bite. If you have malocclusion, Dr. Steven Ricci may recommend Invisalign® in Johns Creek, Georgia to help you reach a straight smile. Invisalign Johns Creek residents want is a set of aligners that are designed specifically for your smile. They are worn over the teeth for […]

types of crooked teeth

Types of Crooked Teeth

Having crooked teeth is a problem that can have a negative impact on your life. It can affect your self-esteem and lead to other more serious health issues over time. There are several types of crooked teeth, any of which you could be living with at the moment. You may not even realize your teeth […]

a woman getting a check up after learning about the benefits of orthodontics

Benefits of Orthodontics for Your Smile

Orthodontics is a valuable branch of dentistry that was formed to straighten crooked smiles. Georgia orthodontic treatment often features braces for your teeth as the star player. These are composed of stainless steel spacers for braces which attached to your teeth and are linked by an archwire. The orthodontist will tighten the archwire every six […]

Questions to ask about Invisalign

12 Questions to Ask Your Orthodontist About Invisalign

The journey to a better smile can start with Invisalign®, but you likely have several questions you want to ask your orthodontist before you make a final decision. Ricci Orthodontics is here to help before you take a seat in one of our dental chairs, so here are twelve questions to ask about Invisalign®. 1. […]

Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign vs. braces: What are the pros and cons of these two orthodontic treatments?  Ricci Orthodontics offers top-quality, convenient, and affordable custom Invisalign and braces for everyone in Johns Creek, Georgia, and surrounding areas. For over 16 years, we’ve been transforming smiles for all ages. Today, more adults than ever are getting started and seeing fantastic results. […]
