Braces FAQ

Do you live in the Greater Atlanta area and have one of the many braces FAQs? If so, you have come to the right place. Orthodontic specialist Dr. Steven Ricci, of Ricci Orthodontics, offers the following answers to the most common braces FAQs:

What Are Braces?

Braces are an orthodontic treatment that consists of customizable brackets. We attach these to the teeth and connect them by a thin metal guide wire. These are held in place with special rubber elastics. Every month or so, you’ll return to our office. This is so that our orthodontist can continue to make adjustments to the brackets. Our brackets are either resistant ceramic materials or high-quality stainless steel.

Who Needs Braces?

Millions of people in the United States suffer from oral health issues that can be resolved with orthodontic treatment. If left untreated, dental problems can develop into serious issues. These can include chronic gum disease, the destruction of bones, TMJ issues, severe tooth decay, and even tooth loss. To determine if you or your child need braces, reach out to Ricci Orthodontics.

How Long Are Braces Worn?

Depending on each person’s unique needs, braces are worn from approximately one to four years. Every patient is different, and how long braces must be worn may change depending on how the treatment progresses.

Will Braces Hurt?

The simple answer is no, as braces are designed to minimize discomfort. Some people do report experiencing a bit of discomfort and soreness in the first few days after braces are applied as their mouths adjust to the change. Throughout the course of your treatment, adjustments will be made to continue to guide your progress and it is normal to experience a few aches or twinges after an adjustment. We recommend using an over-the-counter pain medication to help reduce any soreness or discomfort you might experience.

What is the Appropriate Age to Begin Orthodontic Treatments?

There is no one specific age that is best to begin wearing braces, but both Dr. Steven Ricci and the American Association of Orthodontists recommend that children should receive an orthodontic evaluation when they are seven years old. Dr. Steven Ricci is able to improve smiles and resolve crooked teeth issues at any age, but an early diagnosis has a lot of benefits. When a child receives a full orthodontic evaluation at around age seven, Dr. Steven Ricci will be able to diagnose and evaluate any potential problems and identify the best course of action to treat them.

What Can Happen if Orthodontic Problems Go Untreated?

When orthodontic issues are neglected or treatment is postponed, this can lead to severe tooth decay, chronic gum disease, the destruction of bone, TMJ problems, and even the loss of teeth.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Braces?

Simply put, straight teeth are healthier teeth. Once your teeth and jaw are in proper alignment, they will begin to function better. The end goal of a successful orthodontic treatment is to give you a more beautiful smile and prevent dental health issues.

Also, a corrected bite works much better. For many people who require braces, eating can be a difficult and unpleasant experience. By undergoing orthodontic treatment, your bite will be corrected as well as your smile, making biting, eating, and chewing food easier and more pleasant. When you are happy with your smile, you will experience greater self-confidence and receive a huge boost to your self-esteem, regardless of your age.

Can I Play Sports with Braces?

Most definitely. Athletes of all ages can play sports while wearing braces, but our orthodontist recommends that you wear a mouth guard both to protect your mouth as well as your orthodontics. Our experienced staff can help you choose the right mouth guard for your sports activity to properly protect your smile and braces.

What Foods Do I Need to Avoid with My Braces?

Dr. Steven Ricci recommends that patients with braces should generally avoid eating very sticky foods, such as taffy, caramel, or chewing gum. In addition, some foods such as popcorn, as well as tough foods like raw carrots and whole apples, can potentially dislodge brackets or damage the guide wire of your braces. You can safely eat apples once you cut them into smaller pieces. Once the process is over, our staff will give you an informational pamphlet containing all the foods you should avoid during the course of your treatment.

What If My Braces Break?

It rarely happens, but should your braces or other components of your orthodontics break, please contact our office immediately. Also, if you experience any severe pain or discomfort, report to Dr. Steven Ricci immediately.

What Is the Cost of Braces in Johns Creek?

Depending on your unique needs, and which of the different types of braces you choose, the cost of braces will vary. Many dental or health insurance plans provide full coverage for braces. Our office will be happy to work with you to help analyze your coverage. We also will help discuss any personal costs you will owe for your braces. One of the options is our in-house, INTEREST-FREE monthly payment plan. We also offer outside financing for people that need to make payments. This is for a period of time that is longer than the treatment time. In addition, our office accepts payments by cash, checks, and Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards.


If you have other questions other than the above braces FAQs, reach out to Ricci Orthodontics. Contact Ricci Orthodontics today by calling 678-417-9848. Let us answer these braces FAQs to help further your patient education so you can make the best decision possible.